$chapter){ /* first store the chapter's full folder name */ $chapter_list[$key]['folder']=$chapter; /* then parse the chapter name and number */ parse_chapter_info($chapter,$chapter_list[$key]['name'],$chapter_list[$key]['number']); } } /* This function builds a list of the pages in the currently selected chapter. It is global just like the chapter list. */ function get_page_list($chapter){ global $chapter_list,$page_list; /* all pages are files with the prefix "page-" followed by alphabetically correct numbers that ensure the pages will be sorted into the correct order. */ $page_list=list_files($chapter_list[$chapter]['folder'],'/page-.*\.'.PAGE_FILE_TYPE.'/'); sort($page_list); } /* This function examines a chapter folder name and extracts the chapter number and the chapter title */ function parse_chapter_info($file,&$name,&$number){ /* strip the prefix and substitute spaces for underscores to generate the chapter name */ $name=str_replace('_',' ',substr($file,4)); /* convert the prefix into an integer to generate the chapter number */ $number=(int)substr($file,0,3); } /* This function returns a string with the URL for a specified page and chapter */ function page_link($chapter,$page=0){ return(sprintf('%s?chapter=%s&page=%s',$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],urlencode($chapter),urlencode($page))); } /* This function imports the chapter variable and ensures that it has a legal numeric value */ function sanity_check_chapter(&$chapter){ if(isset($_REQUEST['chapter'])) $chapter=(int)$_REQUEST['chapter']; if(!is_numeric($chapter)) unset($chapter); } /* This function imports the page number variable and ensures that it has a legal numeric value */ function sanity_check_page(&$page){ if(isset($_REQUEST['page'])) $page=(int)$_REQUEST['page']; if(!is_numeric($page)) $page=0; } /* This function returns a link to the next page, or an empty string if this is the last page */ function next_page_url($page, $chapter){ global $chapter_list,$page_list; /* pre-calculate the last page and chapter */ $last_chapter=sizeof($chapter_list)-1; $last_page=sizeof($page_list)-1; if($page<$last_page){ /* when looking at any page except the last page, the link points to $page+1 */ return page_link($chapter,$page+1); }else{ /* when looking at the last page... */ if($chapter<$last_chapter){ /* when looking at the last page of any chapter except the last one, the link points to the first page of the next chapter */ return page_link($chapter+1,0); }else{ /* when looking at the last page of the last chapter, the link is not a link at all */ return ''; } } } /*-----------------------------------------------------*/ /* Output Functions */ /* This function outputs a list of thumbnail images that link to the first page of each chapter */ function list_thumbnails(){ global $chapter_list; foreach($chapter_list as $chapter_ID=>$chapter){ printf('[%s:%s] '."\n" ,page_link($chapter_ID) ,$chapter['folder'] ,THUMB_FILE_TYPE ,$chapter['number'] ,$chapter['name'] ,$chapter['number'] ,$chapter['name']) ; } } /* this function outputs the index navigation */ function output_index_navigation(){ ?>

Hamster Republic -> Bob's Graphic Novel

'; $link_prev='[previous]'; $link_prev_disabled=''; $link_next='[next]'; $link_next_disabled=''; /* now the previous-page link */ if($page>0){ /* when looking at any page but the first, the link points to $page-1 */ printf('%s'."\n",page_link($chapter,$page-1),$link_prev); }else{ /* when looking at the first page... */ if($chapter>0){ /* when looking at the first page of any chapter other than the first one, the link points to the last page of the previous chapter */ printf('%s'."\n",page_link($chapter-1,-1),$link_prev); }else{ /* when looking at the first page of the first chapter, the link is not a link at all */ printf('%s'."\n",$link_prev_disabled); } } /* The index link is easy. It never changes. */ printf('%s'."\n",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],$link_index); /* output the next-page link */ if($page<$last_page){ /* when looking at any page except the last page, the link points to $page+1 */ printf('%s'."\n",page_link($chapter,$page+1),$link_next); }else{ /* when looking at the last page... */ if($chapter<$last_chapter){ /* when looking at the last page of any chapter except the last one, the link points to the first page of the next chapter */ printf('%s'."\n",page_link($chapter+1,0),$link_next); }else{ /* when looking at the last page of the last chapter, the link is not a link at all */ printf('%s'."\n",$link_next_disabled); } } printf('
'."\n"); printf('
'."\n"); } /* This function outputs the body of the page */ function show_page($chapter,$page){ global $chapter_list,$page_list; /* pre-calculate the last page */ $last=sizeof($page_list)-1; /* if $page is -1 then select the last page in the chapter. (this is used by the "previous" page navigation link) */ if($page==-1) $page=$last; /* read the alt text */ $alt_file_name=sprintf('./%s/alt.txt',$chapter_list[$chapter]['folder']); if(is_readable($alt_file_name)){ $alt_file_data=file($alt_file_name); $alt=htmlentities(trim(str_replace("\n",'',strip_tags($alt_file_data[1+$page]))),ENT_QUOTES); }else{ $alt=sprintf('Page %s',$page); } /* I think this looks better centered. */ printf('
'."\n"); /* output the navigation links */ output_page_navigation($chapter,$page); /* output a link to the next page enclosing the current page */ $next_url = next_page_url($page, $chapter); if($next_url) printf('', $next_url); /* output the tag that contains the actual comic image */ printf('[%s]' ,$chapter_list[$chapter]['folder'] ,$page_list[$page] ,$alt ); /* end the big next-page link */ if($next_url) printf(''); printf('
'."\n"); } /* This function outputs a simplified header for the index page */ function show_index_header(){ printf(''."\n"); /* output the title */ printf("%s\n",PAGE_TITLE); printf(''."\n"); printf(''."\n"); printf(''."\n"); } /* This function outputs the html headers and the title, and opens the html body tag */ function show_page_header($chapter,$page){ global $chapter_list; printf(''."\n"); /* output the title including chapter name and page number */ printf("%s - %s - Page %s\n",PAGE_TITLE,$chapter_list[$chapter]['name'],$page); /* output the favorites icon */ printf(''."\n"); /* generate the prefetch headers for the next page */ generate_prefetch_link($chapter,$page); printf(''."\n"); } function generate_prefetch_link($chapter,$page){ global $chapter_list,$page_list; $last=sizeof($page_list)-1; $last_chapter=sizeof($chapter_list)-1; if($page<$last){ /* if we are looking at anything other than the last page, we output a header that instructs browsers to prefetch the next page */ printf(''."\n",$chapter_list[$chapter]['folder'],$page_list[$page+1]); }else{ /* if we are looking at the last page of a series */ if($chapter<$last_chapter){ /* if we are on the last page of any chapter other than the last one, we output a header instructing the browser to prefetch the first page of the next chapter. */ /* it is neccisary to list the pages of the next chapter because we only already have the pages of the current chapter in memory */ $next_chapter_page_list=list_files($chapter_list[$chapter+1]['folder'],'/page-.*\.'.PAGE_FILE_TYPE.'/'); sort($next_chapter_page_list); /* and here we output the link it would not really be an unreasonable assumption to assume that every chapter will have at least one page, but I hate making assuptions, even reasonable ones :) */ if(sizeof($next_chapter_page_list)){ printf(''."\n",$chapter_list[$chapter+1]['folder'],$next_chapter_page_list[0]); } /* and then we discard the list of the next chapter's pages from memory, as we will not need it any further */ unset($next_chapter_page_list); } } } /* This function outputs the html footers and the copyright information */ function show_page_footer(){ printf('


'."\n",COPYRIGHT_TEXT); printf('

source code

'); printf(''."\n"); } function output_info(){ printf("
\n"); $greeter=''; $greeters=list_files('./greeter/','/.*\.png/'); if(count($greeters)) $greeter=$greeters[array_rand($greeters,1)]; if($greeter) printf(''."\n",$greeter); ?>

Once upon a time, there was a Hamster named Bob. He was the eldest of 144 siblings, all of whom were also named Bob (yes, even his sisters). He grew up a happy hamster child, starred in a few obscure computer games, started a revolution and founded his own country, saved the world from unspeakable evil once or twice, and finally decided to settle down and get a real job. Sound mundane? Well, nothing stays simple long in Bob's life.

New chapters are uploaded on a strict schedule of whenever-I-feel-like-it.